A Fifty One Productions/Working Stiff Pictures Feature

Massimiliano Trevis
Director of Photography

Behind the camera since he was 13, Massi has drawn inspiration from such cinematography legends as Vittorio Storaro, Gordon Willis, Robert Richardson, Giuseppe Rituno, and Tonino Delli Colli.
WIth his keen ability to inrepret a director's vision through light, Massi doesn't just light the sets and the actors - he creates "moods" that follow the story. Known for his three dimensional style, Massi's method of starting with the background and moving to the foreground with the lighting creates the feeling that the viewer is actually there watching the action as it occurs with their own eyes.
Massi never approaches his projects using the same styly of lighting but understands each story is different and should have it's own signature look that underscores and complements the film as it unfolds.